RT-30 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer with Nuclide ID Capability – Georadis

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The RT-30 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer with Nuclide ID Capability (Georadis) integrates a radiation survey meter, dose meter and radionuclide identification device in a weather protected, lightweight and easy to use instrument.

RT-30 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer with Nuclide ID Capability features:

  • multiple functions; nuclide ID (isotope name), scan and search
  • auto-stabilization
  • protection: IP66
  • single button operation
  • sensitivity: Co-60: 270 cps/MBq, Cs-137: 160 cps/MBq, Am-241: 75 cps/MBq
  • data interchange; Bluetooth or USB
  • readout search mode; 0 – 65535 cps
  • energy response: 20 keV to 3000 keV
  • energy compensated doserate: 0 – 10 mSv/h (with G/M detector)
  • graphic LCD display; 128 x 64 pixels
  • 2GB memory
Read more about the RT-30 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer with Nuclide ID Capability on the Georadis website

Georadis s.r.o. is gespecialiseerd in instrumenten voor stralingsdetectie, bepaling van radioactieve bronnen en het meten van de intensiteit hiervan. Het bedrijf levert wereldwijd innovatieve en kwal...


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RT-30 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer with Nuclide ID Capability Georadis

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