Model 183 – Routine Mammographic QC Kit – Sun Nuclear

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The Sun Nuclear (formerly Gammex) 183 Routine Mammographic QC Kit contains all the tools, instructions, and data recording forms needed for a film-screen mammography program that meets MQSA requirements.

The instruments evaluate image quality, compression force, film-screen contact, processor performance and film hypo retention.

Model 183 Routine Mammographic QC Kit features:

  • multiple instruments and tools for performing a wide range of tests
  • rugged carrying case
  • ACR Mammography Accreditation phantom is included
  • ACR Mammographic Quality Control Manual included

Sun Nuclear Corporation was founded in 1984 as a provider of third-party repair and calibration service. Sun Nuclear has grown to become a respected leader in the design and manufacture of quality sys...


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Datasheet Routine Mammographic QC Kit - Gammex

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