RSS-5 Source Set – Spectrum Techniques

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Containing 1 each Cs-137, Co-60, Sr-90, Tl-204 and Po-210, the RSS-5 provides a wide of alpha, beta and gamma emissions making it a popular choice for nuclear science instruction. The set contains two beta emitters, two beta/gamma emitters and one alpha source for in-depth studies of radiation. The Cs-137 is 5 uCi, the Po-210 and Sr-90 are 0.1 uCi activity and the Co-60 and Tl-204 are both 1 uCi.

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Spectrum Techniques, established in 1993, specialises in the production of nuclear counting equipment and U.S. NRC ‘Exempt Quantity’ radioactive sources. The product lineup encompasses an extensiv...



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