Model 002H9K IMRT Head and Torso Freepoint Phantom – CIRS

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The Model 002H9K IMRT Head and Torso Freepoint Phantom is a complete QA from CT imaging to dose verification. With this phantom you can choose any point dose location within a circular area with diameter of 11.2 cm by adjusting the 2 rotating cylinders.

Model 002H9K IMRT Head and Torso Freepoint Phantom features:

  • configure with or without heterogeneities
  • uses Gafchromic or Ready Pac radiographic dosimetry film
  • close placement of detectors to film improves film calibration
  • surfaces are etched with indices for precise alignment
  • CT; film markers ensure accurate film to plan registration
  • ionization chambers, MOSFET, TLD and Diodes easily positioned using interchangeable rods

Read more about the Model 002H9K IMRT Head and Torso Freepoint Phantom on the CIRS website

CIRS is founded in 1982 by Dr. Elias Zerhouni. CIRS is recognized worldwide as a leader in the manufacturing of tissue equivalent phantoms for densitometry, calibration, quality control, research and...


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Model 002H9K IMRT Head and Torso Freepoint Phantom, Datasheet

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