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Goods are imported and exported all over the world every day. In order to protect our ports, airports and border crossings against threats, government entities need to be able to quickly search through trucks and containers without delaying commerce. Astrophysics is dedicated to helping agencies such as border patrol, customs, and police, to detect contraband, weapons, explosives, fraudulent trade items, and other security threats. Our HXP is used to inspect trucks, containers and vehicles for these threats as well as the verifications of manifests. With an easy drive-through process, automated operation and high throughput, the need for manual inspection is reduced and high-volume cargo inspection locations will not be set back. The HXP allows drivers to safely remain in their truck cabin, as the scanning process does not start until after the driver has passed the point where the X-ray has emitted. The automated scanning procedure provides simplicity and speed, allowing staff to focus on other important duties, therefore increasing productivity. While there are other cargo and vehicle inspection solutions available such as a Gantry or Mobile Scanner, the High Energy X-ray Portal Scanner has the least cost of ownership, easy maintenance, and highest throughput among several other major benefits.

Turn-key x-ray inspection systems for mail and small packages, travel luggage, mobile cargo screening and associated metal detection equipment....


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HXP Truckscanner, Datasheet

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